Thursday, January 19, 2012

I am, Are you?

As I was getting ready for a date with my husband tonight, I couldn't get my hair right, then it was my outfit, then my jewelery, then my make up. It got me to thinking.

The average woman is size 6 or above, so what is it in ourselves that makes us think we need to be stick thin? I've been stick thin before, and I didn't look good. In fact I've had more people tell me that at my current weight I look better than I ever did in my teens and early twenties.

So why is it, that knowing I appear "more" attractive now, than I did then do I still yearn and try to be that size "0" again?

The media and society has conditioned us to think that we MUST be barbie doll thin, and yet that's not right.

I may not be a size "0" any more, and I may not be able to turn sideways and "disappear" but you know what I'm ok with that.

God's made me the way I am, he's the master creator. Look at the mountains capped by snow, or a sunset on the beach, or dolphins swimming in the ocean. Could we as simple humans honestly make anything more beautiful than the masterpiece's God's already created?
I don't think so, so why do we keep ridiculing our selves?

I am a master piece created by God! And I will proudly accept who I am!

Will you?

